I have been extremely productive at work recently, as you can see under the cut. That said, I really enjoy my job - I work with nice people and I feel like I'm pretty good at it. Plus you can never underestimate the calming influence of having a regular routine.
Yesterday I went to a Young Singers' Day with my good friend Astride and did a bit of alto-ing for the first time in ages. I think I'm a tad rusty on the whole singing-in-harmony thing (sopranos really do have it easy), but it was great fun and just the right amount of challenging. We were conducted by Leslie Olive, who really knew how to bring out the best of a slightly shy group. The repertoire was a good mix, and included the Hallelujah Chorus (just for fun), Rutter's version of All Things Bright and Beautiful and Lauridsen's OÂ Magnum Mysterium.
I've been in a bit of a letter-writing mood recently, and have been doing so with the aid of my lovely cupcake stickers, number confetti and good old colouring pencils. So a couple of gorgeous young women of my aquaintance will be getting some love in the post soon. And by "love", I mean odd rambling stream-of-consciousness meanderings with occasional illustrations and in one case, some post-it notes.
Do you want a letter? Comment and I'll send you one.