Well, I've decided to update my blog layout for once. (For those of you who read this through Facebook, take a look at http://www.bethmcmillan.com/blog). Mad orange and cupcakes and some stuff that doesn't really line up and a few things that I'm pretty sure don't work in Internet Explorer. Plus part of its implementation involved me updating my entire installation of WordPress because for some reason it seemed easier than the alternative at the time. Hm. But I do like the cupcakes.
And how were these cupcakes drawn, you ask yourself? I happen to have purchased myself a graphics tablet for the princely sum of twenty quid off Amazon. Oh, and yes, you can use it under Ubuntu. It's fun! Its main purpose is for diagrams for my biochemistry notes... but that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing endless bunnies with it. I love living in the future.
Incidentally, I'm selling some botanical illustrations in my etsy shop. If you like that sort of stuff.
Continue reading Bizarre new backgrounds, new toys and some bits